What is Proposition C.A.R.E.?
Proposition C.A.R.E. is a no tax rate increase bond issue on the April 2nd ballot that will raise $4,000,000 for the New Haven School District. The bond language restricts the use of this money to provide funds to upgrade and install heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and automation control systems; to address structural repairs at the high school; to the extent funds are available, purchase school buses, acquire or replace technology equipment, and complete other renovations, repairs and improvements to the existing facilities of the District. The adjusted debt service levy of the School District is estimated to remain unchanged at $0.7500 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property.
What is the reason for Proposition C.A.R.E.?
The aging HVAC systems throughout the elementary school and in the high school gymnasium were the stimulus for the bond issue. Many of the elementary school classrooms are uncomfortable throughout the year and the high school boiler responsible for heating the gym and locker rooms has reached the end of its life. Additionally, portions of the high school built on fill have settled and need structural reinforcement. Funding these projects through debt service prevents these expenditures from depleting operating funds that support the purchase of supplies and pay salaries and benefits.
How will the funds be spent?
The bond issue will fund the replacement of aging HVAC units throughout the Elementary School. The newest units are 16 years old but most of them are much older. The project will also modify ductwork to allow individual classroom control of temperatures through properly engineered dampers. Finally, air conditioning will be added to the elementary gymnasium.
At the high/middle school, new HVAC will be installed in the gymnasium and locker rooms to replace the existing boiler. HVAC will also be installed in bathrooms and hallways to replace systems that have failed in recent years.
New centralized building control systems for the HVAC systems at both buildings will be installed to replace the individual controls currently connected the HVAC units. Combining the control systems, engineered ductwork at the elementary school, and higher efficiency units throughout the district will ensure energy savings.
Eastern classrooms at the high/middle school were built on fill that has caused settling. Structural repairs will be performed to prevent further settling to maintain safe environments for students and staff. Ballot language for the bond issue allows the remaining funds to be used to purchase buses or complete repairs and renovations throughout the district.
What will happen if the issue does not pass?
The high/middle school boiler will be replaced using the operating budget. The Board will decide whether the boiler will be replaced with a new boiler or with a heating and air conditioning unit. The remaining projects will be canceled or deferred until repairs are no longer possible, at which time critical needs will be addressed using the operating budget.
What is the economic impact on district households?
Household tax bills will be the same next November whether or not the bond issue passes. The current $0.7500 debt service fund levy is adequate to repay the existing bonds plus the $4,000,000 of new bonds by extending the levy for approximately ten years, but not increasing the rate above the current level. In the past, the district has been able to refinance bonds to shorten their final maturities and save the taxpayers' interest expense. If the municipal bond market becomes more favorable in the future, the District will likely pay off this debt early as well.
More information is available by calling Superintendent Dr. Josh Hoener at (573) 237-3231.