The New Haven School District is excited to invite the community to two upcoming events. A town hall meeting in the high school gymnasium on Tuesday, March 19th at 6:00 pm to discuss the upcoming bond issue is the first event. Proposition C.A.R.E. is a no tax rate increase bond issue on the April 2nd ballot. The goal of the meeting is to answer frequently asked questions such as how the school bonding process works, how the funds will be spent if Proposition C.A.R.E. passes, what are the plans for repairs if the bond issue does not pass, and why isn’t building a new school a better option than repairing older buildings. Community members will also have the opportunity to tour portions of the high school building requiring structural repairs.
The second event is a community review of the New Haven School District’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP). This meeting will be held in the high school gymnasium on Monday, March 25th at 6:30 pm. The purpose of the CSIP is to prioritize objectives and goals that will be developed and implemented over the next five years. It is a plan that centers on the improvement of the district from all perspectives with the major thrust on enhancing student achievement and performance levels. The current plan was adopted in 2022 and will remain in effect until 2027. The purpose of this meeting will be to evaluate progress made toward the CSIP goals since its adoption. Community members will also be invited to provide feedback to the CSIP committee about the goals within the plan.
We hope community members take advantage of these opportunities to learn about the New Haven School District and interact with its staff members.